English version is below...
Hier était un grand jour. J'ai viré machine à pain, mixeur, accessoires encombrants, blender... Dans le tiroir des accessoires il ne reste plus que: la spatule, le fouet papillon, le livre "A table avec Thermomix", un carnet de notes et un crayon.
Hier était un grand jour. J'ai viré machine à pain, mixeur, accessoires encombrants, blender... Dans le tiroir des accessoires il ne reste plus que: la spatule, le fouet papillon, le livre "A table avec Thermomix", un carnet de notes et un crayon.
Mon équipement se résume désormais à:
- Un batteur KitchenAid
- Le Thermomix
J'ai bien sur fait joujou avec mon précieux et j'ai concocté le repas de midi à partir d'ingrédients trouvés dans le placard et le congel comme suit:
Ingrédients pour 2 personnes
100 g de quinoa
250 g de viande hachée et épicée pour kefta
1 petit oignon
1 gousse d'ail
1 boite de tomates concassées
Sel et poivre
1 demi verre de vin blanc
1 bocal de haricots verts
Mettre sur balance et verser 1 kg d'eau chaude dans le bol du TMX, porter à ébullitions, V3, 100°C. Dès que cela bout, ajouter le panier cuisson avec la quinoa. Cuire à 100°C, V3, 10 minutes. Réserver dans une boite isotherme.
Il y avait au congélateur de la viande hachée et épicée, achetée à la boucherie Hallal du coin, vestige d'un barbecue fait quelques mois auparavant. J'en ai fait des boulettes que j'ai placé dans le panier de cuisson au fur et à mesure.
Dans le bol du TMX, j'ai haché 1 petit oignon et une gousse d'ail, 5 sec Vitesse 5. J'ai tout ramené vers le fond avec la spatule et ajouté 2 cuillers à soupe d'huile d'olive. J'ai fait revenir 8 min à 100°C, vitesse 3.
Une boite de tomates pelées et un schlouk de vin blanc ont complété la sauce. A ce moment j'ai placé le panier cuisson dans le bol. Fermé le couvercle avec le varoma où j'avais placé des haricots verts en conserve et fait cuire l'ensemble à 100°C, Vitesse 3 pendant 10 minutes.
Au bout de ce temps j'ai ôté le varoma, le panier de cuisson.
5 sec à vitesse 10 pour bien homogénéiser la sauce.
J'ai servi les boulettes nappées de sauce, accompagnées de haricots verts et de quinoa.
Et comme d'habitude, j'ai zappé la photo. Je vais être obligé de recommencer rien que pour la photo :-)
Ah oui, vous ai-je dit qu'on s'est régalé.
Yesterday was a great day. I removed Breadmaker, mixer, bulky accessories, blender, the old TM2200... and installed my brand new Thermomix. In the drawer of accessories there are no more bulky accessories but only: the spatula, the butterfly whip, the book "A table avec Thermomix", a notebook and a pencil.
My equipment is reduced now to:
- A KitchenAid mixer
- The Thermomix
Of course I played with "my precious" and I cooked up lunch with ingredients found in the cupboard and the freezer as follows:
Ingredients for 2 persons
100 g of quinoa
250 g of meat chopped and spiced for kefta
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
1 can of crushed tomatoes
Salt and pepper
125 g of white wine
1 jar of green beans
Rinse well the quinoa to remove the saponin.
Weigh 1 kg of hot water into the bowl of TMX, bring to boils, V3, 100 ° C. As soon as it boils, add the cooking basket filled with quinoa. Cook 10 min/100 ° C/speed 3. Store the quinoa in an insulated box.
I had chopped and spiced meat in the freezer, purchased at the Hallal butcher of the corner, remnant of a barbecue made a few months earlier. I made meat balls that I placed in the cooking basket.
In the bowl of TMX, I chopped 1 small onion and a clove of garlic, 5 sec/speed 5.
I scraped down everything with the spatula and added 2 tablespoons olive oil and then cooked 8 min/100 °C/speed 3.
I added 1 can of peeled tomatoes and a 125 g of white wine. At this time I placed the cooking basket in the bowl, closed the lid with the varoma where I had placed canned green beans and cooked at Varoma temp./speed 3 for 10 minutes.
After this time I removed the varoma and the cooking basket.
5 sec at speed 10 to properly mix the sauce.
I served the meatballs topped with sauce, accompanied by green beans and quinoa.
And as usual, I zapped the photo. I'll be obliged to cook this again just in order to shoot the photo :-)
Ah yes, did I tell you that it was really yummy ?
Yesterday was a great day. I removed Breadmaker, mixer, bulky accessories, blender, the old TM2200... and installed my brand new Thermomix. In the drawer of accessories there are no more bulky accessories but only: the spatula, the butterfly whip, the book "A table avec Thermomix", a notebook and a pencil.
My equipment is reduced now to:
- A KitchenAid mixer
- The Thermomix
Of course I played with "my precious" and I cooked up lunch with ingredients found in the cupboard and the freezer as follows:
Ingredients for 2 persons
100 g of quinoa
250 g of meat chopped and spiced for kefta
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
1 can of crushed tomatoes
Salt and pepper
125 g of white wine
1 jar of green beans
Rinse well the quinoa to remove the saponin.
Weigh 1 kg of hot water into the bowl of TMX, bring to boils, V3, 100 ° C. As soon as it boils, add the cooking basket filled with quinoa. Cook 10 min/100 ° C/speed 3. Store the quinoa in an insulated box.
I had chopped and spiced meat in the freezer, purchased at the Hallal butcher of the corner, remnant of a barbecue made a few months earlier. I made meat balls that I placed in the cooking basket.
In the bowl of TMX, I chopped 1 small onion and a clove of garlic, 5 sec/speed 5.
I scraped down everything with the spatula and added 2 tablespoons olive oil and then cooked 8 min/100 °C/speed 3.
I added 1 can of peeled tomatoes and a 125 g of white wine. At this time I placed the cooking basket in the bowl, closed the lid with the varoma where I had placed canned green beans and cooked at Varoma temp./speed 3 for 10 minutes.
After this time I removed the varoma and the cooking basket.
5 sec at speed 10 to properly mix the sauce.
I served the meatballs topped with sauce, accompanied by green beans and quinoa.
And as usual, I zapped the photo. I'll be obliged to cook this again just in order to shoot the photo :-)
Ah yes, did I tell you that it was really yummy ?